
Child Safety Measures at Home and School

As a parent, it is one of the most important parts to keep your child safe and secured from various obstacles to give them a good and better life. There are various aspects of child safety which we need to monitor very carefully and are as follows:

Fire safety for children

Teaching your child at least two ways to out of every room. Teach children how to go low under smoke and to “stop, drop and roll” if their clothing or hair catches fire. Educate them not to get scared of firefighters even they look scary, and they should coordinate and co-operate with firefighters. Practice the escape plan from various rooms in your home. If your home has a second floor, consider purchasing escape ladders and help your children practice using them. Agree on where your family will meet once everyone is outside the house. Installing smoke alarms. Changing the smoke alarm batteries twice a year and vacuum the filter, since dust can render detectors useless. Testing of the alarm once a month. Encourage children to help with these tests so they are familiar with the sound of the alarms.

Water safety for children

Supervise young children at bath time and whenever they’re around water. Consider toilet locks and don’t leave buckets of water unattended. Small children can drown in large buckets and even toilets. Be vigilant when children have access to ponds, pools, and hot tubs. Secure these areas with self-latching gates and exterior doors with locks that are out of children’s reach.

General household safety

Install safety locks on all cabinets that store medicine, cleaning supplies, and chemicals. Install plastic outlet plugs or tamper-resistant electrical outlets and face covers on all outlets. Keep all plastic bags out of the reach of children. This includes dry cleaning, produce, and trash bags. Keep small items including jewelry, pins, coins, batteries, and buttons out of reach. Remove the caps on doorstops. Children play with the spring-type stops and are often able to remove the caps, which pose a serious choking hazard. Use safety gates at stairway openings, tighten all fasteners on handrails and keep stairways and hallways well lit. If your home has more than one story, install window guards and keep furniture away from the upper-story windows. Keep blind and drapery cords away from children. Arrange your furniture so that children cannot reach the cords. Store all firearms locked and unloaded in an approved gun safe or secured container. Do not store ammunition with the firearm. Do not keep firearms within the reach of children.

Vehicle safety for children

Always secure children riding in a vehicle with a properly installed safety seat or seat belt.  Equipment recommendations for kids. Make sure your baby crib has slats no more than 2 3/8” apart. Enclose all outdoor water hazards, such as pools, hot tubs, and ponds, with a fence and self-latching gate. Use automatic shut-off devices for pool ventilation and circulation systems. Attach large pieces of furniture to the wall with fasteners to prevent them from toppling onto a child.

Kitchen safety for kids

To avoid accidental burns, turn pot handles away from the front of the stove and install child-safe burner control knobs. Never plug-in electrical appliances where children can pull on the cord and cause the appliance to fall onto them. Keep hot items such as fryers, crock pots, and hot beverages away from counter edges, and remove placemats and tablecloths that small children can pull off a table.

Nowadays there are numerous kid safety devices wearables to keep track of children. Schools should insist on the usage of such devices. Also, for proper surveillance of all activities at school, there should be an adequate number of CCTVs and other devices.

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