

Student Management | School Activity Management | Student Fees Management | Activity Reports | Virtual Classes

Schools always have the immense pressure of managing the Students’ data, Staffs’ data.


Manage Class:
School can add edit and delete classes under that particular school.


Manage Sections:
School can create sections under each class, like KG A, KG B, etc. School can create, edit and delete sections.


Manage Subjects:
The registered school has the option to create its own subject list for all the classes together in one place within an academic year like English, Bengali, etc. Later school can assign the subjects to the specific classes. School can create, edit and delete subjects whenever necessary.


Manage Teacher:
The registered school can create teachers who will be taking the classes with their valid credentials such as name, email phone no, etc as School management app. Subjects and hence classes can be assigned to them once their accounts are created. School can create, edit and delete Teachers as per need.


Manage Non-Staffs:
School gets the option to create Non-Teaching Staffs their valid credentials such as name, email phone no, etc. These staffs have a Separate permission Module (separate from Teachers) and are recognized as Non-Teaching Staffs. Similar to the teachers, a school can create, edit and delete non-teaching staff.


Manage Timetable:
With proper Addition of Classes, Section, teachers a proper Timetable can be prepared by the school for an academic year. The App Links Class, Sections, Subject, period, Teacher with Day and time to build an efficient Time table.


Manage Student:
One of the most crucial aspects is managing student’s details. Through the App, a school can create students by entering their primary and secondary details and link them to Class & section. The School app also implements search on all the primary fields.


Manage Parents:
Parents are created under the school. Bidyaaly can be used as a Parent Communication app. At the time of entering individual student’s details, the parents’ details are also saved and from this data itself, Parents as another entity is created which has a link with the respective children.


Manage Notice:
School can issue a notice to Teachers, All Parents and selected Class Parents which will be visible through the App itself.
Manage School Calendar:
Schools can add holidays that will be displayed to teachers and parents.


Attendance Report:
Schools may need to check the attendance of the students often. So the school app has provisions to show the Attendance Record for individual and all students by single date, class, section, name or Roll no, etc. Thus, Bidyaaly acts as a School attendance app.


Class Activity Reports:
By Selecting Date Range, Class, Section, subject, teacher schools and see the activities performed by the teachers in each class through one or more weeks or months.


Add Syllabus:
Schools can select a class and add the required Syllabus to it. Schools can add text as well as upload multiple files.


School Info:
Schools can add general info they want to display about the office and other important activities through this App.


Fees Structure:
The school has the provision to add fee structures related to any class as school fees payment app. This may include
Student Specific fees. In this case, the fees will be displayed in the drop-down for multi fees and the school will select which fees to fix for that particular student.


Virtual Classes:
Schools now will have the option to maintain their regular classes even if they need to remain closed for some emergency reason. This is made possible through online video lectures. Group of students can not only attend the virtual classes but can also take part in interactive sessions. All these facilities are now available all under one Platform i.e the learning and school management App Bidyaaly.


Fees Payment Settings:
The App has one of the most awaited features of Online Fees Payment.

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