

Daily Class Activity | Attendance Notification | Online School Diary | Digital Notice Board | Parent Feedback

It’s quite obvious for parents to be worried about their children’s education. With the Parents App, Bidyaaly, parents get a chance to relax by getting each and every school activity of their children daily. Parents remain updated about every single activity starting from attendance to paying fees online.


The school app dashboard shows all the details which include child’s image, and some summery like school name, class, section, roll no, etc. and some feature icons to access most frequently used features like attendance, class activity, etc. Parents can easily navigate to their desired area.


View Time Table:
Parents can view the timetable for the selected students’ class along with the section for that particular academic year.


View Daily Activity:
Parents can browse through dates and click on the class to view the class activity and download files that are uploaded by the respective class teachers. These actions can be done not only for the current date but also for the previous dates.


View Notices:
Once the school using the School App Bidyaaly, issues a notice for the parents, the parents on the notice tab, can actually see and download the files (if any) attached to that particular notice. This discards the chances of parents missing any vital information from the school end as it acts as a school notice app also.


Fees Payment:
Parents can choose to pay the fees set by the school, parents will be taken to payment gateway and will pay the fees. Upon payment school, parents both will receive payment notification details as the school fees payment app. Parents can also view past payments and can download pdf payment receipt.


Student Diary:
Bidyaaly is also a reliable School Diary App. The Diary written for a particular student will be visible to the respective parent. Parents can also reply to this diary entry and can also compose some other Diary notes on a different subject. They can also view the diary entry and browse through the past entries.


Switching between students:
The school app provides an option for the parents to switch between their children in case they have more than one child admitted to that particular school. This option can opt at any point in time as long as the parent is logged in the system.


View Syllabus:
Parents can view and download syllabus related to the selected student.

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