
Refund Policy

Bidyaaly Refund Policy


Thank you for your purchase. We hope you are happy with Bidyaaly. However, if you are not completely satisfied with your purchase for any reason, you will get a refund for the purchase. Please see below for more information on our refund policy.


Refund Policy


For all initial purchases of subscriptions for any duration, you may cancel during the first 7 days (calculated from the date of purchase ) and receive a full refund. If the cancellation occurs after the first 7 days, you won’t be eligible for a refund. If you cancel your subscription but are not eligible for a refund, you’ll retain access to the subscription until it expires.

All refunds will be posted back to the credit or debit card on which the subscription was purchased. For renewals of subscriptions for any duration, you are not eligible for any refund.




At our sole discretion, Subscription Fees may not be refunded if the membership has been canceled due to a violation of our Terms of Use Agreement.


Restarting an Expired Subscription: 


Subscriptions that expire after the renewal date without payment or subscriptions canceled immediately by contacting Customer Service cannot be restarted. If you wish to renew access to for a canceled subscription, a new subscription can be purchased.



If you have any questions concerning our refund policy, please contact us


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