

Digital Notice Board | Daily Class Activity | Online fees payment | Online Syllabus | Attendance Tracker

Students at higher education, like to get every minute class detail ready at their hands. And if it’s through a digital medium then it’s just like icing on the cake. With the Student communication App, Bidyaaly, students remain updated with their Daily classwork as well as Homework and assignment even if they couldn’t attend the class. Along with this Student themselves can see a record of their attendance and can remain to alter at the same time. Students will be privileged with an online syllabus, institute holidays, etc.


Digital Notice Board:
Once the institute has something important to announce it can do it easily through this communication App. Students no longer will have to run to the institute every now and then wasting their productive time, after class hours, each time to gather important information. Hence there is no more chance of missing out on any important notice.


Daily Class Activity:
The Student App for class activities provides options to the faculty members to add their Classroom activities not only of the current date but also of previous dates. They are allowed to upload files supporting their lectures and can also schedule Assignments. Students can view the class notes and can download the corresponding lecture files which are uploaded by the respective teachers.


Online fees payment:
Parents often do not prefer their children to carry hard cash with them for safety purposes. With the advancement of technology, people are getting accustomed to e-payment. This Bidyaaly App offers the option of online fees payment also.


Online Syllabus:
Students can view the Syllabus of their class simply by going to the syllabus section of the Teacher-Student communication App.


Time Table:
An online and ready available Time table is available for the students. Students can, therefore, organize their work accordingly.


Attendance Tracker:
Keeping track of attendance for the students and calculating their attendance percentage has always been a vital job for the students as they have a threshold of attendance percentage. Bidyaaly, the attendance management app, helps to keep a record of the current attendance and past record for students with several filter options.

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