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Posts Tagged ‘outdoor’

Useful indoor and outdoor activities

As we are aware that the schools and colleges are remaining closed and parents are following guidelines and started social distancing in order to stop the spread of the coronavirus, parents and students are now searching for ideas on how to engage themselves off the grid. So, if you want to keep your phones, tablets, laptops, and game systems to a lesser side – other than for the purpose of online learning – there are some great ideas for all ages and complexities.

There are many outdoor activities which are as follows:

Going out for a collection of rock adventures.

Going on a botany adventure and drawing various pics of plants, trees, etc.
Going on an adventure for gardening by planting trees and digging of muds.
Outdoor painting like the painting of walls can be of great fun.
Playing various outdoor games like cricket, football, etc.
Decorating the housing from outside in various ways can be a great outdoor activity.
Can keep some schedule of physical activity like walking to keep yourselves healthy for a limited time.
If there is a pond nearby you can go fishing which can also add to a great outdoor activity.
Can also go for a photography session of various birds, animals which can also add to a great fun-filled outdoor activity.
Can go for a cleaning session by cleaning the outer and attached road of the house for giving society a great message of keeping the society clean.

The indoor activities include:

Cooking various foods can add to a great indoor activity.
Building tents with blankets and pillows can also add to a great indoor activity.
Doing yoga and indoor physical activities like push-ups etc can be great to keep ourselves healthy.
Sanitizing and cleaning inside our house by ourselves can also be a great indoor activity.
Painting the living rooms with various innovative drawings can be a great indoor activity.
Can also learn various handicrafts like making sweaters through wool, making cases with matchsticks can be a great indoor activity.
Nowadays construction of eco-bricks is a great addition to indoor activities.

Now in conclusion we can say that there are many more indoor and outdoor activities which we can engage ourselves in and can be done individually and can help us in social distancing as well as the fight against these pandemic situations of COVID-19.