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Posts Tagged ‘school’

Meditation and Student Success

We all want quality lives for our children. Teaching kids meditation can give them a start to utilize the benefits of meditation. Today’s kids exhibit elevated levels of restlessness, stress and anxiety, only a very less percentage of children in the U.S. meditate. Yet several studies suggest that kids who practice mindfulness tend to develop positive traits such as increased self-control, better attentiveness in class, and more empathy and respect for others. In addition, meditation may help children manage difficult conditions like stress, depression, ADHD and hyperactivity.


Clearly, introducing mindfulness to kids can benefit them now and moving ahead. But children should never be forced to meditate, or they’ll develop an equivalent aversion towards sitting that they often have towards certain cooked vegetables. they ought to tend an equivalent gentle encouragement that we give ourselves when it involves meditation practice.


Children’s meditation

As other things, it’s easy to learn mindfulness meditation for kids? Many kids have a natural feel for it. Young kids aren’t burdened by as many biases, barriers or preconceptions, which gives them an edge when it comes to non-judgmental awareness.

While there hasn’t been the maximum amount general research about the consequences of mindfulness on kids as on adults, meditation within the classroom has been getting tons of attention lately..One flagship initiative is the Compassionate Schools Project taking place in elementary and secondary public schools in Louisville, Kentucky, and impacting some 20,000 kids. With a stated goal of “Educating the kid fully” the curriculum “puts together mindfulness for stress management and self­-control; contemplative steps and gestures, postures and breathing for physical awareness plus agility; nutritional values for healthy eating; and social and emotional skill sets  for effective interpersonal relationships.”

Elsewhere, some schools are experimenting with replacing detention time with meditation. A pilot study within the San Francisco school system, partnered with the Center for Wellness and Achievement in Education, convinced even skeptics that the effort to provide mindfulness training to kids, including in one of SF’s poorest school districts, was well worth it. Over a four-year period, suspensions reportedly decreased by over 70%, academic performance increased, and everyone was happy about it. The switch to meditation is already offering similar results in a number of North American schools: maximum benefits at minimal cost.

Here are a few of the benefits of children’s meditation:

Enhanced focus
In just a generation or two, things have changed so much that our attention spans can’t keep up. Between social media and technological gadgets, kids – and adults – are constantly surfing the web , interacting via social media and playing video games indoors rather than reading a book, taking a walk or playing sports. Children who get older with their noses in their devices often find it difficult to concentrate and remain attentive. Meditation teaches them that it’s possible to direct their attention at one thing at a time, and that it actually feels great not to be distracted.

Fostering compassion and self-esteem

Due to pressures and circumstances beyond their control (and sometimes beyond anyone’s control), kids may sometimes feel like they’re not able to pass muster. This can be tough sometimes, especially when a child is bullied or badly teased by others. Most of the insecurities people have as adults can be traced back to their childhoods. The good news is that meditation can support children’s feelings of security, empathy and inner stability, and this, in turn, builds compassion, joy and self-esteem. Meditation teaches kids – and adults – that immediately is enough.

Boosting confidence

Mindfulness for children helps kids enhance self-awareness and be more confident. The confidence matures naturally when kids learn from their meditation practice that they don’t need to react to all or any of their thoughts and emotions – they will choose which of them merit their attention and response. Confident kids are better equipped to deal with unfamiliar situations. Thanks to this adaptability, they become better problem solvers and develop a deeper appreciation of life.

Building empathy and happiness

Mindworks meditation experts say that the more you give, the more you gain. Children’s meditation helps them find out how to share their love with other children. They become more patient and understanding, listen more readily to others and empathize with them.

Education in Pandemic Situation

We all are aware that education plays a vital role in our life as through education. we learn not only the basics of our life but also groom ourselves, equipped ourselves in every possible manner so that we can gain a thorough knowledge of the field whatever we choose maybe it management, IT, etc where after gaining knowledge through education we can implement the same and add to the society through our experience but also add value to our life by giving ourselves as well as our family members a good life and a good career to ourselves.


Now as we all are aware that there is a sudden break of COVID-19 which is also declared as a pandemic situation have totally changed the lifestyle of us as now we are in a social distancing mode and we have been advised also to stay at home and maintain social distancing so as to keep ourselves safe from these pandemic diseases. Now in this situation education industry have also been changed as now it is not possible for any school, colleges or institutions to operate themselves like past methods where students used to visit these places to gain an education but rather today education industry need to come up with various methods and techniques and differential approach for imparting education to students as education is important and necessary in our life and this situation we can term as new normal life as we need to survive and make ourselves accustomed with this pandemic situation. So in this scenario first of all the education industry needs to educate everyone about this disease to spread awareness so that students can understand the sane and also guide them with the safety and precautionary measures to protect themselves from this deadly illness. Hence the school needs to develop themselves with remote learning techniques and distance education over online so as one can study from home and also all the queries should be resolved in online mode only. 


As now in this pandemic situation, we are left with only one choice which is digital media. So in conclusion we can say that in this situation education industry also need to develop themselves rapidly and accustomed with these online techniques of learning and can also say that it will be not difficult as now there are many supporting applications also through which we can impart education to our students as it, not only facilities learning but also give live classes more opportunities to freelancing teachers, recording mode for study later, group study, examination and results, and analysis and many more features to be counted. So this is our new era or age of learning which every school, colleges, and institutions must implement effectively and efficiently.

Adolescence Care

Adolescence is the period of changeover from childhood to adulthood. A child goes through a series of changes both physically and psychologically. This is the time when the parents should be extra cautious about their activities and take proper care of them. This usually begins at the teenage but its physical, psychological, and cultural impact may begin earlier and end later.

Different stages of Adolescence:

Early Adolescence (Ages 10-14)
Early Adolescence happens between the ages of 10-14. During this development period, adolescents experience the early stages of puberty. Male and Female senses significant physical growth and increased sexual interest. It is being observed that adolescents in this stage have a minimum capacity for abstract thought but intellectual interests increase and become more important. Although adolescents in this stage have a small interest in the future, they develop deeper moral thinking during the early adolescence stage.

Middle Adolescence (Ages 15-17)
In the middle adolescence stage, puberty is completed for males and females. Physical growth reduces in females but continues for males. Adolescents in this stage continue to sense a growing capacity for abstract thought. During this stage, adolescents set long-term goals and become interested in the meaning of life and moral reasoning. Adolescents in this stage of development sense many social and emotional changes which include an increase in self-involvement and a rise in the drive for independence.

Late Adolescence/Young Adulthood (Ages 18-24)
In the late young adulthood phase significantly experience lesser physical and more cognitive developments. Adolescents now possess the capacity to think about ideas independently, delay gratification, future plan, and adopt a firm sense of identity. During this last phase of adolescent development, young people also increase stability in their emotions and independence.


Parental Care in Adolescence:

As children enter into the phase of adolescence, parent-child conflict tends to increase much. Children at this stage may seem to be noncooperative, unfriendly, aggressive, and destructive whereas previously they used to be cooperative, polite, and controlled. These conflicts range from a mismatch in sense of clothing, music to the logic behind other activities that they used to accept without questioning. This can also range to vital changes such as drug addiction, misconduct, and criminality. To control such situations in proper sense and manner parental change is very important. Parents should try to change their responses towards their children’s behavior along with this they should also respond in a proper sense to the challenges occurring in their lives. To patch up with these parents should take care of a few points. Firstly, parents should be patient enough to listen to their children’s logic and idealism. And then should spend some time with them on these points, appreciate some of their logic but also simultaneously make them aware of the adverse effects (if any) of their thoughts and theories. Secondly, parents should always try to keep them aware of their children’s daily activities, be it in school or playground, their friends and fans, teachers and guides, etc. It is the time when it is not advisable for parents to be more protective of their wards. They should be given to enjoy the freedom to some extent or rather should be allowed to make their own decisions to some extent. Obviously, parents should decide the threshold. This way children can develop a sense of what is good and what is bad for them and will be capable of making good decisions for their future. The key point to all these practices is understanding the psychology of their adolescent children better. To make this successful parents need to understand the undergoing changes in them and their family and surroundings.

Get More From College With These Expert Tips

Do you feel it is time for you to pursue your goals in education? Have you come to the conclusion that education may be the answer to your problems? A college education is perfectly suited to help you achieve your goals. The following article will give you some great advice about going back to school. Go ahead, you deserve it!

Take a bottle of water with you to class. Proper hydration is important, even in school. If you have a full schedule and have to skip meals, you should at least make sure you get enough water. Drinking plenty of freshwaters is sure to help you remain focused and alert. Use water fountains to easily refill your water bottle.

When you make out your work and class schedule, be realistic. If you struggle with mornings, scheduling hard classes as the first class during the day can mean trouble. Be aware of your body rhythms and build your schedule around that knowledge as much as you can.

You don’t have to be rich to get into school. You can take out loans like millions of students take on each year. You may have to take on debt now, but it will pay off later.

Familiarize yourself with the route you will have to take to get to your classes prior to your first day. Time your route from one course to the next, and plan the best way to get there. Mark your classes as well as other important locations, such as the library, on a map for easy reference until you learn them.

Hopefully, this article has given you some great tips to use in college. You are not the only one. There are so many reasons to go to college for the first time or to return after a long time in the real world. There is no need to be fearful. If you are truly committed, then you can become among the successful folks who get it done!