
Better Learning with your own educational institute app

A unique School management app or educational institute app Bidyaaly join hands with Parents, teachers and educational organisation to make education system better.

Posts Tagged ‘teachers’

Distance Education – Who and why

Distance Education is much similar to the previous days’ correspondence courses, wherein students need not be present at the institution and can connect/communicate with the teachers via post. Distance education is an advanced form of this which involves online education. Distance learning offers interactive participation of the candidates over the internet. Few terms that are synonymous with Distance Education are distributed learning, e-learning, m-learning, online learning, virtual classroom, etc.


Distance education is mainly designed for Working professionals, non-working individuals, homemakers, students, and students who once discontinued studies from all age groups and almost all streams.


1)Distance learning can spread its access to education and training for both the general population and businesses since its flexible scheduling structure minimizes the effects of the time bindings imposed by personal responsibilities and commitments. It is a much more economical and cost-effective form of learning and it reduces the cost significantly than traditional education. It reduces the cost of high priced textbooks which a student needs to incur in traditional education by offering free course materials digitally and also waive off the huge cost of transportation in comparison to traditional education.

2) It increases the potential to access more experts in the field and to students from diverse geographical, social, cultural, economic, and experiential backgrounds.

3)Distance education programs can act as a catalyst for institution innovation and at least are as effective as face to face learning programs.

4)It also provides a broader method of communication within the realm of education. With the technological advancements and the variety of tools and systems available, communication appears to increase in distance education amongst students and their mentors as well as students and their classmates.

5) It increases the communication between the students and their classmates and it is an improvement made to provide distance education students with as many opportunities possible as they would receive in in-person education.

6) Distance education also offers to form a feeling of support as whoever a student or a professional is taking the education is having ongoing and regular access to their instructors and also to colleagues and classmates.

7) Distance education offers individuals a unique opportunity to get benefit from the expertise and resources of the best universities available.

So, it’s proven that it’s the most economical and cost-effective form of learning which provides every individual an opportunity to receive inputs from the best expertise and best universities.

Making school work Smart with the School Management app

Today’s world is getting globalized day by day and everyone wants to save their time to get a faster and more time saver life. At this time, education now is the key to all these things to get. Parents are becoming aware of new features regarding their children’s education. The schools, therefore, are making things easy and have started using different ways of getting a paperless-communicative cloudy platform. School management app includes admission management, teacher management, parent management, student management, fee management, exam management, attendance management, and many more features.

Using this kind of application, a school or institution can give options to the teachers to update the daily activities even after it had happened before. It helps to track the student’s absence and sends SMS alert by the Learning Assistant. Online Diary maintain is one of the many benefits provided by the School Management App as we all are very much accustomed to the terminology “School Diary” where any kind of notice, routine, complaints, leave applications are maintained both by the teachers and the parents through the students.

Whenever any kind of notice is to be released by the school or the institution, it can easily be given online. The most popular feature is the online fee payment. As because nowadays online transactions have become very useful for every netizen it is actually the best option for the parents to pay fees timely and the records are maintained very cleanly.

It gives access to check attendance according to a student’s name, class by month and date wise error-free data. It perfectly acts as an interface between teacher and parents; in short, it can be called as parent teacher communication app.

As we all know communication and interaction in a proper way is the most powerful weapon to build a better society. Schools or colleges or any institutions play a vital role in preparing a student a better human. So for a clearer future, the school management app is best to use to keep up the pace with the developing and developed countries around the world.

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