
Mobile App for Teachers

Being a teacher is not easy. Let's make it less difficult with the help of bidyaaly, school app for teachers.

Teachers have to Login to his/her own account. After the Login, all the options of Forget Password, change password, edit profile, all basic features with a dashboard will be available for the teacher. The teachers will have a user-friendly Dashboard with a few useful statistics. The school app provides the following advantageous and interesting features to the teachers:

Daily Schedule:
Teachers can see the classes of the current day assigned to them with their respective timings. Along with this he/she has options to view his/her past classes and can also see the weekly routine at one go.

Daily Work Update:
Teachers can get into any of the assigned classes and give Classwork, Homework and Assignment Notes related to the class activity done. Also, they can upload multiple files for this.

Teachers can take attendance which they are entitled to through the App, can be used an instance of school attendance app. The Attendance taken generates a message for the absentees and triggers it to the respective parents. This satisfies the observant nature of the parents.

Student Search/View:
The School App provides an option to search particular students through any added data.

Student Diary:
The App Bidyaaly offers a digital Diary to the teachers. They can use the student diary feature to send msg to parents or leave comments, notification, announcements related to that student or a group of students.

View Syllabus:
Teachers can view Syllabus of any class assigned to him/her, simply by selecting a class from the drop-down.

View Notice:
The school authority often issues notices for the teachers. The App opens a way to show these notice digitally through this app by a single tap only.

View Attendance:
Teachers can view students’ Attendance Record by selecting a Class along with section OR by entering Name or Roll number within a particular Timespan. They will get a student wise, date wise and class wise view as school attendance app.

Get started with Bidyaaly today

We are ready to help you setting up and using the app any time.

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