Better Learning with your own educational institute app

A unique School management app or educational institute app Bidyaaly join hands with Parents, teachers and educational organisation to make education system better.

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Education in Pandemic Situation

We all are aware that education plays a vital role in our life as through education. we learn not only the basics of our life but also groom ourselves, equipped ourselves in every possible manner so that we can gain a thorough knowledge of the field whatever we choose maybe it management, IT, etc where after gaining knowledge through education we can implement the same and add to the society through our experience but also add value to our life by giving ourselves as well as our family members a good life and a good career to ourselves.


Now as we all are aware that there is a sudden break of COVID-19 which is also declared as a pandemic situation have totally changed the lifestyle of us as now we are in a social distancing mode and we have been advised also to stay at home and maintain social distancing so as to keep ourselves safe from these pandemic diseases. Now in this situation education industry have also been changed as now it is not possible for any school, colleges or institutions to operate themselves like past methods where students used to visit these places to gain an education but rather today education industry need to come up with various methods and techniques and differential approach for imparting education to students as education is important and necessary in our life and this situation we can term as new normal life as we need to survive and make ourselves accustomed with this pandemic situation. So in this scenario first of all the education industry needs to educate everyone about this disease to spread awareness so that students can understand the sane and also guide them with the safety and precautionary measures to protect themselves from this deadly illness. Hence the school needs to develop themselves with remote learning techniques and distance education over online so as one can study from home and also all the queries should be resolved in online mode only. 


As now in this pandemic situation, we are left with only one choice which is digital media. So in conclusion we can say that in this situation education industry also need to develop themselves rapidly and accustomed with these online techniques of learning and can also say that it will be not difficult as now there are many supporting applications also through which we can impart education to our students as it, not only facilities learning but also give live classes more opportunities to freelancing teachers, recording mode for study later, group study, examination and results, and analysis and many more features to be counted. So this is our new era or age of learning which every school, colleges, and institutions must implement effectively and efficiently.

Celebrating Teachers’ Day

A teacher is that person who plays various roles in our lives. A teacher acts as a friend, philosopher, and a person who holds our hand opens our minds and touches our heart. The contribution of a trainer can not be unnoticed at all. In many nations throughout the world, trainer’s day, or rather Teachers; Day is a unique day wherein instructors of schools, colleges, and universities are commemorated especially. The date varies from nation to nation. The universally celebrated World Teacher’s Day is the fifth of October. In India, Teacher’s Day is well known on fifth September and this commenced from 1962. This is the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the 2nd president of India. He turned into a philosopher, scholar, trainer, and of course a politician. His committed teachings in the field of education made his birthday a very special day withinside the records of India. We recall the wonderful contribution of this exemplary individual on this day.

Actually, this man, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan turned into a pleasant trainer and he became famous amongst his college students for the instance he continually set in the front of them. So, sooner or later his college students and pals asked him to permit them to rejoice his birthday in a lavish way. In return, he stated that it might be his satisfaction and honor in the event that they rejoice his birthday in appreciation of all instructors. And considering that then these days fifth September is well known as Teacher’s Day.

Why do We Celebrate?
Teaching is the maximum influential process withinside the world. Teachers are acknowledged to nurture the thought process of children and without expertise, no person can exist in this world. Teachers impart the right knowledge in kids and flip them into accountable citizens. So, it becomes very important for us to celebrate Teachers’ Day.

In India, we rejoice these days at the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. He turned into a person of many wonderful characteristics and a favorite mentor amongst college students. Once as a gesture of honor his students wanted to celebrate his birthday with great pomp and show. It turned into his request that his birthday must be celebrated as an honorable day for all the teachers of the nation. So, summing up, we rejoice on Teacher’s Day due to the fact that instructors are the architects of the society and without them, no society can stand in the course of progression.

In his book titled, “Political Thinkers of Modern India”, he wrote down the significance of instructors and schooling in a nation like Democratic India. According to him, there is a big position of instructors in state construction and for that sake, instructors must be respected more. Apart from being a philosopher and trainer, he turned into additionally a philosopher.

By the time he entered politics, the maximum of the leaders of that point like Jawaharlal Nehru, Mahatma Gandhi, or Dr. Rajendra Prasad had been his fanatics for this questioning in state constructing. His abilities had been tested withinside the area of politics additionally. He had the political perception to apprehend the impediments nicely earlier and additionally carried the specified braveness to scold celebration leaders for his or her procrastination and delinquency. Way returned in 1947, he warned the previous Congress humans approximately the alarming outcomes of nepotism and corruption. We are handling it now!

So, a person with such great thoughts and values calls for an exceptional honor. So, it’s our pleasure to celebrate the Teachers’ day on his birthday.

Good impact of Teacher and Parents connection on Students.

Over the next five years, the federal government will provide about 5 billion euros to all-around 40,000 primary schools, secondary general education schools, and vocational schools to provide them with digital equipment such as broadband connections, W-LAN, and devices. This is the time when our government should also focus on the same support system. But what does this support mean for our children, what opportunities arise from this and what are the challenges we face with “digital media in schools”? I get to the bottom of the matter in my new blog series. In Part One you will learn more about the importance, opportunities, and challenges of digital media in schools. With the right app that works both as the teacher’s app and parent’s app, the connections are well made.

What exactly is “digital media in schools” about?

Digital transformation, work environment 4.0, or even digital media are on everyone’s lips. But at least they can imagine something concrete. Digital media offer schools the opportunity to process and consume multimedia and interactive content in a variety of ways. In addition, they provide numerous tools for communication and networked collaboration. Students not only engage more intensively with the learning content, but they can also take advantage of individually tailored support. In addition, studies have shown that self-directed and problem-based learning is supported by digital media.

> The best examples are schools that already have a free Wi-Fi connection and allow students to get content or information digitally via smartphone or tablet. Already there are schools that have their own cloud systems. Via the cloud (definition: parts of the IT in the school data center are outsourced to that of a cloud provider), the students are not only enabled locally at the school but also via access from home. B. Homework or developed information on projects to provide.

> In the meantime, some schools have iPods for entire classes that complement the lessons in a meaningful way. The students have the opportunity to develop content independently, to present their results or to use learning apps as a useful supplement at home.

However, the school management app can also be processed in a completely different and interactive way. Textbook publishing groups have recognized that instead of using a CD, having their own app provides more opportunities to convey learning content. An own app for the textbook also offers the students more fun through their interactive elements and thus also more successful in learning. It will now be followed by other textbooks of all ages and subjects, which will complement the print edition with additional digital content valuable. These examples are only part of what digital media can offer schools.

What opportunities do “digital media in schools” offer?

e-learningOf course, the focus here is again on the students. How do digital media affect students in schools? There is a great potential in that students can participate interactively in the classroom and take up the contents of the lesson more intensively. They get the chance to network and above all to work with the right equipment and to present their results in a vivid way using digital media. This expertise in networking is required in many professions today. Students are thus supported in project-oriented work.

Digital or “virtual” workspaces offer students different possibilities to exchange documents and to communicate more strongly with each other. Students learn media skills and responsible use of digital media in their guided interaction with teachers. Another positive effect is that students perceive the school and their private lives as less different, leading to a much higher motivation for the school in general.

Need for Education

Education is always an important aspect and is very useful in everybody’s life. Education is what differentiates us from other living things on earth. It makes man the smartest on earth. It equips humans and gets them ready to face challenges of life efficiently. It’s a very common saying, education still remains a luxury and not a necessity in our country. The awareness about the necessity of literacy needs to be spread throughout the country and it should be made accessible to the common mass irrespective of race, religion, gender, economic background. But, this is not all. It still remains incomplete unless the importance of being educated is analyzed. Once people start realizing the significance of education, they will accept it as a necessity of a good life.

Education is the most significant tool which can eliminate poverty and unemployment. Moreover, it plays an important role in enhancing the commercial scenario and aids the profit of the country as a whole. So, the better the level of education in a country, the higher the chances of development are.

Adding to this, education also helps an individual in different ways. It helps an individual to make a better and composed decision utilizing their knowledge. This increases the success rate of an individual in life.

Subsequently, education plays a vital role in providing a better lifestyle. It opens several different career opportunities that can enhance our quality of living.

Also, education helps in making a person independent. When a person gets educated enough, he/she won’t have to depend on anyone else for their livelihood. He/She will be self-sufficient to earn for oneself and lead a good life.

Above all, education also increases the self-confidence of a person and makes him certain of every small and big thing in life. When we speak from the country’s viewpoint, then also education plays an eminent role. Educated people can vote for the better or rather more suitable candidate for the country. This, in turn, ensures the development and better growth of a nation.

Doorway to Success:
Education is always your first step towards success. It serves as the key which unlocks numerous doors of opportunities that eventually leads to success. This will, in turn, help one build a better life for oneself.

A well-educated person will never run out of job opportunities. Literate people have opportunities waiting for them on the other side of the door. They get the option to choose from a variety of options and not be forced to do something they dislike. Very importantly, education imparts a positive perception. It helps us in choosing the right path, taking right decisions and looking at things from various points of views rather than sticking to just one or blindly believing in someone.

Education contributes a lot towards enhancing your productivity and completing a task better in comparison to an uneducated person. However, one must always be aware of the fact that education solely does not ensure success. Humanity, improved understanding, Hard work are also contributors.

It becomes a doorway to success which requires hard work, dedication and much more after which can you open it successfully. A combination of all these things together will make you successful in life.

In conclusion, proper education helps to make you a better person by imparting various skills. It broadens your mind, enhances your intellect and the ability to make rational decisions. It contributes to the individual growth of a person.

As a result of all these enhancements, education improves the economic growth of a nation which in turn aids in building a better society for the citizens of a country. It helps in demolishing the darkness of ignorance and enlightens the world.

Co-curriculum activities as a part of Education

Co-curriculum activities as a part of Education

Education and co-curricular activities are correlated or we can say are directly proportional. Excessive loads or pressure of education can cause stress in students’ lives. There are various co-curricular activities which are now being practised or rather implemented in all schools, colleges and institutions. The most common list of co-curriculum activities are as follows:

1) Playing various sports or rather engaging students in various sports like cricket, football, table tennis etc.

2) Doing social activities like gardening, cleaning school premises.

3) Collection of funds for the Red Cross society was a very common co-curriculum activity among the school students.

4) Collection of funds for thalassemia welfare society was also a very common co-curriculum activity among the school students. Doing various campaigns by engaging in various education fares where live demonstration of the school was given for upcoming admissions and uplift the reputation of the school.

5) Arranging and participation in various cultural programmes and socially useful public welfare programmes.

6) Providing food, clothing and shelter on behalf of the school to various areas to the mass affected by natural calamities like flood, storm etc.

7) Doing society welfare programmes by engaging physically disabled students in various activities like games, handicrafts etc and then giving them rewards for their performance and also motivating them for their career and life growth.

8) Doing various excursions and workshops with students so that they can learn something new and will also help them in the development of their innovative skills.

9)Also to add nowadays schools are celebrating domestic pet week where the street dogs and other domestic animals like cow, cats etc are feeding the school.

Parents involvement leads to better child success

It has been proven over the years that the more the involvement of parents in their children’s educational activities more is the success rate of the students. There are many reasons for this fact:

1. Parental Dependency:

Since birth, a child starts believing in his/her parents the most. Parents are the first mentor of a child. The child starts learning every small and large fact of day to day life from the parents and eventually parents become the best teacher for a child and the child believes the patents the most. So when a student of any age learns anything from a father or a mother it creates a lifetime impact in the child’s career.

2. Improved Behaviour:

Kids tend to develop better social skills and bettered behavior when their parents actively participate in school activities. Research shows that kids are less willing to skip school, more attentive in class, and more likely to do their homework when their parents get involved.

3. Improved education:

When the parents associate themselves in their wards’ school activities then the teachers also understand their consciousness about their child’s well being and gain the respect of teachers. This results in higher attentiveness of teachers toward their children. Involvement pays off in the long term, too. Increased attention motivates students to stay in school longer and are more likely to indulge themselves in education after high school.

4. Growth of confidence:

Supported at home and school, help students to develop more positive attitudes about school, have increased self-confidence, and give a higher priority on academic achievement. Research proves that students of involved parents feel more accepted, included, and respected at school which leads to better academic attachment and hence success.

5. A better understanding of a child’s academic likings:

The more the parents are involved in the child’s education, the easier it is to get a clear picture of the child’s liking of subjects. This helps the parents in guiding their children better for future academics. They can help their children to choose subjects or stream better for higher education.

It doesn’t take much to get involved. The involvement of an hour or two a day with your children can give them a more successful career.