
Educational Resource News

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Good Learning Habits

25 May, 2020

A few good learning Habits which will help your child to succeed in the new Academic year: Create a well-organized learning plan: Planning is the most important thing in every phase of life. Once the planning is right the work…

Distance Education – Who and why

14 May, 2020

Distance Education is much similar to the previous days’ correspondence courses, wherein students need not be present at the institution and can connect/communicate with the teachers via post. Distance education is an advanced form of this which involves online education.…

Parents involvement leads to better child success

04 May, 2020

It has been proven over the years that the more the involvement of parents in their children's educational activities more is the success rate of the students. There are many reasons for this fact: 1. Parental Dependency: Since birth, a…

E-learning benefits in primary and secondary education

01 May, 2020

The education system and the trends of learning for students are changing or rather developing day by day. We cannot deny the fact that the education system is upgrading itself at a rapid rate to meet the present-day necessities. Among…

Get More From College With These Expert Tips

13 Apr, 2020

Do you feel it is time for you to pursue your goals in education? Have you come to the conclusion that education may be the answer to your problems? A college education is perfectly suited to help you achieve your…

Tips On How To Study For College Tests

16 Mar, 2020

It can be very exciting to go away to college, and scary at the same time. Some people learn more life skills in college than in academic information. Balancing study time with playtime might be difficult, but it is a…

Making school work Smart with the School Management app

15 Nov, 2019

Today’s world is getting globalized day by day and everyone wants to save their time to get a faster and more time saver life. At this time, education now is the key to all these things to get. Parents are…

4 Important Steps to Selecting a School for Your Child.

09 Oct, 2019

Providing top-quality education to our children remains our main priority as a parent. So choosing the school for a child is a major step for your child’s future. With the rapidly growing number of pre-schools, primary and secondary schools all…

Does your school really need an app?

09 Aug, 2019

We live in a world where our mobile devices are an integral part of life. And when it comes to our phones, most of us find ourselves use apps in order to communicate, consume information and more. A school is…

Children Learning : School App India

Increase of Transparency with School Management App

27 Jun, 2019

Faced with the current challenges of management of schools, management software becomes unavoidable. School leaders today face major management challenges, from strategic management to the management of daily school activities. School management is a tedious and multifaceted job for school…

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